For Researchers

Data dictionary of questionnaires:
COVID-19 antibody test questionnaire
COVID-19 questionnaire 1
COVID-19 questionnaire 2
Research professional questionnaire
Self completion questionnaire (transfer)
Self completion questionnaire (v1)
Self completion questionnaire (v2)
Self completion questionnaire (v3)

Self completion questionnaire (current)

field_name form_name section_header field_type field_label select_choices_or_calculations field_note text_validation_type_or_show_slider_number text_validation_min text_validation_max identifier branching_logic required_field custom_alignment question_number matrix_group_name matrix_ranking field_annotation field_choices
0 gen1 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please enter your date of birth (DD-MM-YYYY). NaN NaN date_dmy 1900-01-01 2002-01-01 NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '2' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '4' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(gen1 = "gen1"))
1 gen2 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Which of the following best describes you? 1, Man | 2, Woman | 3, Other | 4, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '2' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '4' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4), label = 1:4, choices = list(gen2___1 = "gen2", gen2___2 = "gen2", gen2___3 = "gen2", gen2___4 = "gen2"))
2 gen2a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please enter the term you use to describe your gender, or enter "prefer not to answer". NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [gen2] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(gen2a = "gen2a"))
3 gen2b exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio What was your sex assigned at birth? 1, Male | 2, Female | 3, Don't know | 4, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '2' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '4' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4), label = 1:4, choices = list(gen2b___1 = "gen2b", gen2b___2 = "gen2b", gen2b___3 = "gen2b", gen2b___4 = "gen2b"))
4 gen3 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Where were you born? 1, England | 2, Wales | 3, Scotland | 4, Northern Ireland | 5, Republic of Ireland | 6, Elsewhere | 7, Do not know | 8, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '2' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '4' OR [id_chk]='5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), label = 1:8, choices = list(gen3___1 = "gen3", gen3___2 = "gen3", gen3___3 = "gen3", gen3___4 = "gen3", gen3___5 = "gen3", gen3___6 = "gen3", gen3___7 = "gen3", gen3___8 = "gen3"))
5 gen4 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text What year did you first come to live in the United Kingdom? NaN You can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [gen3] = '6' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(gen4 = "gen4"))
6 gen5 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio What is your ethnic group? 1, White British | 2, Irish | 3, Any other white background | 4, Asian or Asian British | 5, Indian | 6, Pakistani | 7, Bangladeshi | 8, Chinese | 9, Any other Asian background | 10, Black or Black British | 11, Black Caribbean | 12, White and Black Caribbean | 13, White and Black African | 14, Any other mixed background | 15, Other ethnic group | 16, Do not know | 17, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '2' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '4' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17), label = 1:17, choices = list(gen5___1 = "gen5", gen5___10 = "gen5", gen5___11 = "gen5", gen5___12 = "gen5", gen5___13 = "gen5", gen5___14 = "gen5", gen5___15 = "gen5", gen5___16 = "gen5", gen5___17 = "gen5", gen5___2 = "gen5", gen5___3 = "gen5", gen5___4 = "gen5", gen5___5 = "gen5", gen5___6 = "gen5", gen5___7 = "gen5", gen5___8 = "gen5", gen5___9 = "gen5"))
7 gen5a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please enter your ethnic group. NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [gen5] = '15' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(gen5a = "gen5a"))
8 gen6 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio What is your father's ethnic group? 1, White British | 2, Irish | 3, Any other white background | 4, Asian or Asian British | 5, Indian | 6, Pakistani | 7, Bangladeshi | 8, Chinese | 9, Any other Asian background | 10, Black or Black British | 11, Black Caribbean | 12, White and Black Caribbean | 13, White and Black African | 14, Any other mixed background | 15, Other ethnic group | 16, Do not know | 17, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '2' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '4' OR [id_chk]='5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17), label = 1:17, choices = list(gen6___1 = "gen6", gen6___10 = "gen6", gen6___11 = "gen6", gen6___12 = "gen6", gen6___13 = "gen6", gen6___14 = "gen6", gen6___15 = "gen6", gen6___16 = "gen6", gen6___17 = "gen6", gen6___2 = "gen6", gen6___3 = "gen6", gen6___4 = "gen6", gen6___5 = "gen6", gen6___6 = "gen6", gen6___7 = "gen6", gen6___8 = "gen6", gen6___9 = "gen6"))
9 gen6a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please enter your father's ethnic group. NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [gen6] = '15' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(gen6a = "gen6a"))
10 gen7 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio What is your mother's ethnic group? 1, White British | 2, Irish | 3, Any other white background | 4, Asian or Asian British | 5, Indian | 6, Pakistani | 7, Bangladeshi | 8, Chinese | 9, Any other Asian background | 10, Black or Black British | 11, Black Caribbean | 12, White and Black Caribbean | 13, White and Black African | 14, Any other mixed background | 15, Other ethnic group | 16, Do not know | 17, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '2' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '4' OR [id_chk]='5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17), label = 1:17, choices = list(gen7___1 = "gen7", gen7___10 = "gen7", gen7___11 = "gen7", gen7___12 = "gen7", gen7___13 = "gen7", gen7___14 = "gen7", gen7___15 = "gen7", gen7___16 = "gen7", gen7___17 = "gen7", gen7___2 = "gen7", gen7___3 = "gen7", gen7___4 = "gen7", gen7___5 = "gen7", gen7___6 = "gen7", gen7___7 = "gen7", gen7___8 = "gen7", gen7___9 = "gen7"))
11 gen7a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please enter your mother's ethnic group. NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [gen7] = '15' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(gen7a = "gen7a"))
12 sm1 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire Lifestyle Information Smoking habits radio Do you smoke tobacco now (this includes shisha, cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos and pipes)? 1, Yes, on most or all days | 2, Only occasionally | 3, No, but used to smoke in the past | 4, No, never in the past | 5, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '2' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '4' OR [id_chk]='5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), label = 1:5, choices = list(sm1___1 = "sm1", sm1___2 = "sm1", sm1___3 = "sm1", sm1___4 = "sm1", sm1___5 = "sm1"))
13 sm2 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire Smoking continued radio How often do you smoke tobacco? 1, 3 or more days/week | 2, 1-2 days/week | 3, Once per week | 4, Once per month | 5, Just tried once or twice | 6, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm1] = '2' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), label = 1:6, choices = list(sm2___1 = "sm2", sm2___2 = "sm2", sm2___3 = "sm2", sm2___4 = "sm2", sm2___5 = "sm2", sm2___6 = "sm2"))
14 sm3 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio In your lifetime, have you smoked a total of at least 100 times? 1, Yes | 2, No | 3, Do not know | 4, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm1] = '2' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4), label = 1:4, choices = list(sm3___1 = "sm3", sm3___2 = "sm3", sm3___3 = "sm3", sm3___4 = "sm3"))
15 sm4 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How old were you when you first started smoking?\n (if you do not remember exactly, please provide the closest age)\n NaN Please enter age in years or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm3] = '1' or [sm2] = '1' or [sm1] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm4 = "sm4"))
16 sm5 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How old were you when you first started smoking on most or all days?\n (if you do not remember exactly, please provide the closest age)\n NaN Please enter age in years or you can answer 'Do not know or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm1] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm5 = "sm5"))
17 sm6 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox What type(s) of tobacco do you smoke? \n (tick as many as apply) 1, Manufactured cigarettes with filters | 2, Manufactured cigarettes without filters | 3, Hand-rolled cigarettes | 4, Shisha (waterpipe) | 5, Cigars/Cigarillos | 6, Pipe | 7, Other | 8, Prefer not to answer Tick as many as apply. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm3] = '1' or [sm2] = '1' or [sm1] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), label = 1:8, choices = list(sm6___1 = "sm6", sm6___2 = "sm6", sm6___3 = "sm6", sm6___4 = "sm6", sm6___5 = "sm6", sm6___6 = "sm6", sm6___7 = "sm6", sm6___8 = "sm6"))
18 sm7 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio How many manufactured cigarettes do you smoke in a typical WEEK? 1, At least 7 per week | 2, Less than 1 per day | 4, Do not know | 5, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm6(1)] = '1' or [sm6(2)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 4, 5), label = 1:4, choices = list(sm7___1 = "sm7", sm7___2 = "sm7", sm7___4 = "sm7", sm7___5 = "sm7"))
19 sm7a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please put a number on how many manufactured cigarettes you smoke in a typical WEEK. NaN Please enter a number or 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer'. number 1 1000 NaN [sm7] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm7a = "sm7a"))
20 sm8 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many ounces of tobacco do you use for hand-rolled cigarettes or pipe per WEEK? \n (there are 28 grams in 1 ounce) NaN Please enter the number of ounces or 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer'. number 1 100 NaN [sm6(3)] = '1' or [sm6(6)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm8 = "sm8"))
21 sm9 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many cigars/cigarillos do you smoke per WEEK? NaN Please enter a number or 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' number 1 200 NaN [sm6(5)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm9 = "sm9"))
22 sm10b exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Which of the following best describes your shisha smoking? 5, Usually, I smoke shisha yearly (at least once per year but less than monthly) | 1, Usually, I smoke shisha monthly (at least once a month but less than weekly) | 2, Usually, I smoke shisha weekly (at least once a week but less than daily) | 3, Usually, I smoke shisha daily (at least once a day, or on most days of the month) | 4, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm6(4)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(5, 1, 2, 3, 4), label = 1:5, choices = list(sm10b___1 = "sm10b", sm10b___2 = "sm10b", sm10b___3 = "sm10b", sm10b___4 = "sm10b", sm10b___5 = "sm10b"))
23 sm10c exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Approximately how many shishas did you smoke in the previous MONTH? NaN You can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm6(4)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm10c = "sm10c"))
24 sm10d exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text On average, how many shishas do you smoke DAILY? NaN You can answer 'Do not know or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm10b] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm10d = "sm10d"))
25 sm10e exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text At what age did you start shisha smoking?\n (if you do not remember exactly, please provide the closest age)\n NaN Please enter age in years or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm6(4)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm10e = "sm10e"))
26 sm10f exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Do you usually share the same shisha with others? 1, Yes | 2, No | 3, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm6(4)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3), label = 1:3, choices = list(sm10f___1 = "sm10f", sm10f___2 = "sm10f", sm10f___3 = "sm10f"))
27 sm11 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Prior to cigars/cigarillos/pipes or shisha, did you smoke cigarettes on most or all days? 1, Yes | 2, No | 3, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ([sm6(6)] = '1' or [sm6(4)] = '1' or [sm6(5)] = '1') and ([sm6(1)] = '0' and [sm6(2)] ='0' and [sm6(3)] = '0') y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3), label = 1:3, choices = list(sm11___1 = "sm11", sm11___2 = "sm11", sm11___3 = "sm11"))
28 sm12 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Prior to smoking cigars/cigarillos/pipes or shisha, how many cigarettes did you smoke in a typical WEEK? 1, At least 7 per week | 2, Less than 1 per day | 3, Do not know | 4, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm11] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4), label = 1:4, choices = list(sm12___1 = "sm12", sm12___2 = "sm12", sm12___3 = "sm12", sm12___4 = "sm12"))
29 sm12a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please put a number on how many cigarettes you used to smoke in a typical WEEK, prior to smoking cigars/cigarillos/pipes or shisha. NaN Please enter a number or 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer'. number 1 1000 NaN [sm12] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm12a = "sm12a"))
30 sm13 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How old were you when you last smoked cigarettes (include hand-rolled cigarettes if smoked) on most or all days?\n (if you do not remember exactly, please provide the closest age)\n NaN Please enter age in years or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm11] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm13 = "sm13"))
31 sm14 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio How soon after waking up do you smoke your first tobacco of the day? 1, Less than 5 minutes | 2, 5-15 minutes | 3, 15-30 minutes | 4, 30 minutes - 1 hour | 5, 1-2 hours | 6, Longer than 2 hours | 7, Do not know | 8, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm3] = '1' or [sm2] = '1' or [sm1] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), label = 1:8, choices = list(sm14___1 = "sm14", sm14___2 = "sm14", sm14___3 = "sm14", sm14___4 = "sm14", sm14___5 = "sm14", sm14___6 = "sm14", sm14___7 = "sm14", sm14___8 = "sm14"))
32 sm15 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio How easy or difficult would you find it to go without smoking for a whole day? 1, Very easy | 2, Fairly easy | 3, Fairly difficult | 4, Very difficult | 5, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm3] = '1' or [sm2] = '1' or [sm1] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), label = 1:5, choices = list(sm15___1 = "sm15", sm15___2 = "sm15", sm15___3 = "sm15", sm15___4 = "sm15", sm15___5 = "sm15"))
33 sm16 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Have you ever tried to give up smoking? 1, Yes, tried but was not able to stop or stopped for less than 6 months | 2, Yes, tried and stopped for at least 6 months | 3, No | 4, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm3] = '1' or [sm2] = '1' or [sm1] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4), label = 1:4, choices = list(sm16___1 = "sm16", sm16___2 = "sm16", sm16___3 = "sm16", sm16___4 = "sm16"))
34 sm17 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many times have you tried to give up smoking? NaN Please enter a number or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm16] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm17 = "sm17"))
35 sm18 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many times have you stopped smoking for at least 6 months? NaN Please enter a number or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm16] = '2' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm18 = "sm18"))
36 sm19 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox What method(s) did you use to stop smoking when you stopped for more than 6 months? 1, Nicotine replacement therapy | 2, Bupropion Hydrochloride (Zyban) | 3, Varenicline (Champix) | 4, Other | 5, None | 6, Do not know | 7, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm16] = '2' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(sm19___1 = "sm19", sm19___2 = "sm19", sm19___3 = "sm19", sm19___4 = "sm19", sm19___5 = "sm19", sm19___6 = "sm19", sm19___7 = "sm19"))
37 sm20 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox Which of the following nicotine replacement therapy products have you used? \n (you can select more than one product)\n 1, Nicopass lozenges | 2, Nicopatch | 3, Nicorette gum | 4, Nicorette inhalator | 5, Nicorette microtab | 6, Nicorette nasal spray | 7, Nicorette patches | 8, Nicorette quickmist mouthspray | 9, Nicotinell gum | 10, Nicotinell lozenges | 11, Nicotinell patches | 12, NiQuitin gum | 13, NiQuitin lozenges | 14, NiQuitin patches | 15, NicAssist gum | 16, NicAssist | 17, Translucent patches | 18, Invisi patches | 19, TTS patches Inhalators | 20, Other NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm19(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20), label = 1:20, choices = list(sm20___1 = "sm20", sm20___10 = "sm20", sm20___11 = "sm20", sm20___12 = "sm20", sm20___13 = "sm20", sm20___14 = "sm20", sm20___15 = "sm20", sm20___16 = "sm20", sm20___17 = "sm20", sm20___18 = "sm20", sm20___19 = "sm20", sm20___2 = "sm20", sm20___20 = "sm20", sm20___3 = "sm20", sm20___4 = "sm20", sm20___5 = "sm20", sm20___6 = "sm20", sm20___7 = "sm20", sm20___8 = "sm20", sm20___9 = "sm20"))
38 sm20a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Which other nicotine replacement therapy product(s) have you used? NaN Please enter a brief description. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm20(20)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm20a = "sm20a"))
39 sm19a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text What other method(s) did you use to stop smoking when you stopped for more than 6 months? NaN Please enter a brief description. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm19(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm19a = "sm19a"))
40 sm21 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Compared to 10 years ago do you smoke? 1, More nowadays | 2, About the same | 3, Less nowadays | 4, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm3] = '1' or [sm2] = '1' or [sm1] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4), label = 1:4, choices = list(sm21___1 = "sm21", sm21___2 = "sm21", sm21___3 = "sm21", sm21___4 = "sm21"))
41 sm22 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Why did you reduce your smoking?\n (select the one that mostly applies to you) 1, Illness or ill health | 2, Doctor's advice | 3, Health precaution | 4, Financial reasons | 5, Smoking Ban in Public Places | 6, None of the above | 7, Do not know | 8, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm21] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), label = 1:8, choices = list(sm22___1 = "sm22", sm22___2 = "sm22", sm22___3 = "sm22", sm22___4 = "sm22", sm22___5 = "sm22", sm22___6 = "sm22", sm22___7 = "sm22", sm22___8 = "sm22"))
42 sm23 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How old were you when you first started smoking on most or all days?\n (if you do not remember exactly, please provide the closest age)\n NaN You can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer', if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm1] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm23 = "sm23"))
43 sm24 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox What type(s) of tobacco did you smoke? \n (tick any that apply) 1, Manufactured cigarettes with filters | 2, Manufactured cigarettes without filters | 3, Hand-rolled cigarettes | 4, Shisha (waterpipe) | 5, Cigars/Cigarillos | 6, Pipe | 7, None of the above | 8, Prefer not to answer Tick as many as apply. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm1] = '3' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), label = 1:8, choices = list(sm24___1 = "sm24", sm24___2 = "sm24", sm24___3 = "sm24", sm24___4 = "sm24", sm24___5 = "sm24", sm24___6 = "sm24", sm24___7 = "sm24", sm24___8 = "sm24"))
44 sm25 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio How many cigarettes did you smoke in a typical WEEK? 1, At least 7 per week | 2, Less than 1 per day | 3, Do not know | 4, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm24(1)] = '1' or [sm24(2)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4), label = 1:4, choices = list(sm25___1 = "sm25", sm25___2 = "sm25", sm25___3 = "sm25", sm25___4 = "sm25"))
45 sm25a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please put a number on how many cigarettes you used to smoke in a typical WEEK? NaN Please enter a number or 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer'. number 1 1000 NaN [sm25] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm25a = "sm25a"))
46 sm26a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many ounces of tobacco did you use for hand-rolled cigarettes or pipe per WEEK? (there are 28 grams in 1 ounce) NaN Please enter the number of ounces or 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer'. number 1 100 NaN [sm24(3)] = '1' or [sm24(6)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm26a = "sm26a"))
47 sm27 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many cigars/cigarillos did you smoke per WEEK? NaN Please enter a number or 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer'. number 1 200 NaN [sm24(5)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm27 = "sm27"))
48 sm28b exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Which of the following best described your shisha smoking? 5, Usually, I smoked shisha yearly (at least once per year but less than monthly | 1, Usually, I smoked shisha monthly (at least once a month but less than weekly) | 2, Usually, I smoked shisha weekly (at least once a week but less than daily) | 3, Usually, I smoked shisha daily (at least once a day, or on most days of the month) | 4, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm24(4)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(5, 1, 2, 3, 4), label = 1:5, choices = list(sm28b___1 = "sm28b", sm28b___2 = "sm28b", sm28b___3 = "sm28b", sm28b___4 = "sm28b", sm28b___5 = "sm28b"))
49 sm28c exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Approximately how many shishas did you smoke in a MONTH? NaN You can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm24(4)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm28c = "sm28c"))
50 sm28d exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text On average, how many shishas did you smoke DAILY? NaN You can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm28b] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm28d = "sm28d"))
51 sm28e exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text At what age did you start shisha smoking?\n (if you do not remember exactly, please provide the closest age)\n NaN Please enter age in years or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm24(4)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm28e = "sm28e"))
52 sm28f exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Did you usually share the same shisha with others? 1, Yes | 2, No | 3, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm24(4)] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3), label = 1:3, choices = list(sm28f___1 = "sm28f", sm28f___2 = "sm28f", sm28f___3 = "sm28f"))
53 sm29 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Prior to cigars/cigarillos/pipes/shisha smoking, did you previously smoke cigarettes on most or all days? 1, Yes | 2, No | 3, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ([sm24(4)] = '1' or [sm24(5)] = '1' or [sm24(6)] = '1') and ([sm24(1)] = '0' and [sm24(2)] = '0' and [sm24(3)] = '0') y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3), label = 1:3, choices = list(sm29___1 = "sm29", sm29___2 = "sm29", sm29___3 = "sm29"))
54 sm30 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio How many cigarettes did you smoke in a typical WEEK when you were also smoking cigars/cigarillos/pips or shisha? 1, At least 7 per week | 2, Less than 1 per day | 3, Do not know | 4, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm29] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4), label = 1:4, choices = list(sm30___1 = "sm30", sm30___2 = "sm30", sm30___3 = "sm30", sm30___4 = "sm30"))
55 sm30a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please put a number on how many cigarettes you used to smoke in a typical WEEK before you were smoking cigars/cigarillos/pipes or shisha? NaN Please enter a number. number 1 1000 NaN [sm30] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm30a = "sm30a"))
56 sm31 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How old were you when you last smoked cigarettes (include hand-rolled cigarettes if smoked) on most or all days?\n (if you do not remember exactly, please provide the closest age)\n NaN You can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm29] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm31 = "sm31"))
57 sm32 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio How soon after waking up did you smoke your first tobacco of the day? 1, Less than 5 minutes | 2, 5-15 minutes | 3, 15-30 minutes | 4, 30 minutes - 1 hour | 5, 1-2 hours | 6, Longer than 2 hours | 7, Do not know | 8, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm1] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), label = 1:8, choices = list(sm32___1 = "sm32", sm32___2 = "sm32", sm32___3 = "sm32", sm32___4 = "sm32", sm32___5 = "sm32", sm32___6 = "sm32", sm32___7 = "sm32", sm32___8 = "sm32"))
58 sm33 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How old were you when you last smoked at all? \n (if you do not remember exactly, please enter the closest age)\n NaN Please enter age in years or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm1] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm33 = "sm33"))
59 sm34 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Why did you stop smoking? \n (please select the one that mostly applies to you)\n 1, Illness or ill health | 2, Doctor's advice | 3, Health precaution | 4, Financial reasons | 5, Smoking ban in public places | 6, None of the above | 7, Do not know | 8, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm1] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8), label = 1:8, choices = list(sm34___1 = "sm34", sm34___2 = "sm34", sm34___3 = "sm34", sm34___4 = "sm34", sm34___5 = "sm34", sm34___6 = "sm34", sm34___7 = "sm34", sm34___8 = "sm34"))
60 sm35 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox What method(s) did you use to stop smoking? 1, Nicotine replacement therapy | 2, Bupropion Hydrochloride (Zyban) | 3, Varenicline (Champix) | 4, Other | 5, None | 6, Do not know | 7, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm1] = '3' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(sm35___1 = "sm35", sm35___2 = "sm35", sm35___3 = "sm35", sm35___4 = "sm35", sm35___5 = "sm35", sm35___6 = "sm35", sm35___7 = "sm35"))
61 sm36 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox Which of the following nicotine replacement therapy products have you used? \n (you can select more than one product)\n 1, Nicopass lozenges | 2, Nicopatch | 3, Nicorette gum | 4, Nicorette inhalator | 5, Nicorette microtab | 6, Nicorette nasal spray | 7, Nicorette patches | 8, Nicorette quickmist mouthspray | 9, Nicotinell gum | 10, Nicotinell lozenges | 11, Nicotinell patches | 12, NiQuitin gum | 13, NiQuitin lozenges | 14, NiQuitin patches | 15, NicAssist gum | 16, NicAssist | 17, Translucent patches | 18, Invisi patches | 19, TTS patches Inhalators | 20, Other NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm35(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20), label = 1:20, choices = list(sm36___1 = "sm36", sm36___10 = "sm36", sm36___11 = "sm36", sm36___12 = "sm36", sm36___13 = "sm36", sm36___14 = "sm36", sm36___15 = "sm36", sm36___16 = "sm36", sm36___17 = "sm36", sm36___18 = "sm36", sm36___19 = "sm36", sm36___2 = "sm36", sm36___20 = "sm36", sm36___3 = "sm36", sm36___4 = "sm36", sm36___5 = "sm36", sm36___6 = "sm36", sm36___7 = "sm36", sm36___8 = "sm36", sm36___9 = "sm36"))
62 sm36a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Which other nicotine replacement therapy product(s) have you used? NaN Please enter a brief description. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm36(20)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm36a = "sm36a"))
63 sm35a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text What other method(s) did you use to stop smoking? NaN Please enter a brief description. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm35(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm35a = "sm35a"))
64 sm37 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many times did your try to give up smoking before you were successful? NaN Please enter a number or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm1] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm37 = "sm37"))
65 sm38 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio In the time that you smoked, did you ever stop for more than 6 months? 1, Yes | 2, No | 3, Do not know | 4, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm1] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4), label = 1:4, choices = list(sm38___1 = "sm38", sm38___2 = "sm38", sm38___3 = "sm38", sm38___4 = "sm38"))
66 sm39 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many times did you stop for more than 6 months? NaN Please enter a number or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm38] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm39 = "sm39"))
67 sm40 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox What method(s) did you use to stop smoking before you were successful? 1, Nicotine replacement therapy | 2, Bupropion Hydrochloride (Zyban) | 3, Varenicline (Champix) | 4, Other | 5, None | 6, Do not know | 7, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm1] = '3' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(sm40___1 = "sm40", sm40___2 = "sm40", sm40___3 = "sm40", sm40___4 = "sm40", sm40___5 = "sm40", sm40___6 = "sm40", sm40___7 = "sm40"))
68 sm41 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox Which of the following nicotine replacement therapy products did you use? \n (you can select more than one product)\n 1, Nicopass lozenges | 2, Nicopatch | 3, Nicorette gum | 4, Nicorette inhalator | 5, Nicorette microtab | 6, Nicorette nasal spray | 7, Nicorette patches | 8, Nicorette quickmist mouthspray | 9, Nicotinell gum | 10, Nicotinell lozenges | 11, Nicotinell patches | 12, NiQuitin gum | 13, NiQuitin lozenges | 14, NiQuitin patches | 15, NicAssist gum | 16, NicAssist | 17, Translucent patches | 18, Invisi patches | 19, TTS patches Inhalators | 20, Other NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm40(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20), label = 1:20, choices = list(sm41___1 = "sm41", sm41___10 = "sm41", sm41___11 = "sm41", sm41___12 = "sm41", sm41___13 = "sm41", sm41___14 = "sm41", sm41___15 = "sm41", sm41___16 = "sm41", sm41___17 = "sm41", sm41___18 = "sm41", sm41___19 = "sm41", sm41___2 = "sm41", sm41___20 = "sm41", sm41___3 = "sm41", sm41___4 = "sm41", sm41___5 = "sm41", sm41___6 = "sm41", sm41___7 = "sm41", sm41___8 = "sm41", sm41___9 = "sm41"))
69 sm41a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Which other nicotine replacement therapy product(s) did you use? NaN Please enter a brief description. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm41(20)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm41a = "sm41a"))
70 sm40a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text What other method(s) did you use to stop smoking before you were successful? NaN Please enter a brief description. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm40(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm40a = "sm40a"))
71 sm42 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Do you/have you ever smoked electronic cigarettes? 1, Yes | 2, No | 3, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm21] = '1' or [sm21] = '2' or [sm21] = '3' or [sm21] = '4' or [sm3] = '2' or [sm1] = '3' or [sm1] = '4' or [sm1] = '5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3), label = 1:3, choices = list(sm42___1 = "sm42", sm42___2 = "sm42", sm42___3 = "sm42"))
72 sm43 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Is/was this in addition to other tobacco products or instead of them? 1, In addition to other tobacco products | 2, Instead of other tobacco products | 3, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm42] = '1' and [sm1]<>'4' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3), label = 1:3, choices = list(sm43___1 = "sm43", sm43___2 = "sm43", sm43___3 = "sm43"))
73 sm44 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio How often do you/did you smoke electronic cigarettes? 1, Daily | 2, Weekly | 3, Monthly | 4, Do not know | 5, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm42] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), label = 1:5, choices = list(sm44___1 = "sm44", sm44___2 = "sm44", sm44___3 = "sm44", sm44___4 = "sm44", sm44___5 = "sm44"))
74 sm45 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many cartridges do you/did you use per WEEK? NaN Please enter a number or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm44] = '1' or [sm44] = '2' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm45 = "sm45"))
75 sm46 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Do you/have you ever smoked an electronic shisha (shisha pen)? 1, Yes | 2, No | 3, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm22] = '1' or [sm22] = '2' or [sm22] = '3' or [sm22] = '4' or [sm22] = '5' or [sm22] = '6' or [sm22] = '7' or [sm22] = '8' or [sm21] = '1' or [sm21] = '2' or [sm21] = '4' or [sm3] = '2' or [sm1] = '3' or [sm1] = '4' or [sm1] = '5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3), label = 1:3, choices = list(sm46___1 = "sm46", sm46___2 = "sm46", sm46___3 = "sm46"))
76 sm48 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Is/was this in addition to other tobacco products or instead of them? 1, In addition to other tobacco products | 2, Instead of other tobacco products | 3, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm46] = '1' and [sm1]<>'4' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3), label = 1:3, choices = list(sm48___1 = "sm48", sm48___2 = "sm48", sm48___3 = "sm48"))
77 sm47 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio How often do you/did you smoke electronic shisha? 1, Daily | 2, Weekly | 3, Monthly | 4, Do not know | 5, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm46] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), label = 1:5, choices = list(sm47___1 = "sm47", sm47___2 = "sm47", sm47___3 = "sm47", sm47___4 = "sm47", sm47___5 = "sm47"))
78 sm49 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many cartridges do you/did you use per WEEK? NaN Please enter a number or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm47] = '1' or [sm47] = '2' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm49 = "sm49"))
79 sm50 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire Smoking continued radio Do other members of your household smoke? 1, Yes, one household member smokes | 2, Yes, more than one household member smokes | 3, No | 4, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '2' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '4' OR [id_chk]='5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4), label = 1:4, choices = list(sm50___1 = "sm50", sm50___2 = "sm50", sm50___3 = "sm50", sm50___4 = "sm50"))
80 sm51 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text At home, about how many hours per WEEK are you exposed to other people's tobacco smoke? (the time spent in an enclosed space in the company of someone who is actively smoking) NaN Please enter a number or zero if not exposed or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [sm50] = '1' OR [sm50] = '2' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm51 = "sm51"))
81 sm52 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Outside of your home, about how many hours per WEEK are you exposed to other people's tobacco smoke? (the time spent in an enclosed space in the company of someone who is actively smoking) NaN Please enter a number or zero if not exposed or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '2' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '4' OR [id_chk]='5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(sm52 = "sm52"))
82 alc1 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire Alcohol drinking habits radio How often do you drink alcohol? 1, Daily or almost daily (5-7 days/week) | 2, 3-4 times/week | 3, 1-2 times/week | 4, 1-3 times/month | 5, Only on special occasions | 6, Never | 7, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '2' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '4' OR [id_chk]='5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(alc1___1 = "alc1", alc1___2 = "alc1", alc1___3 = "alc1", alc1___4 = "alc1", alc1___5 = "alc1", alc1___6 = "alc1", alc1___7 = "alc1"))
83 alc2 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Did you previously drink alcohol? 1, Yes | 2, No | 3, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc1] = '6' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3), label = 1:3, choices = list(alc2___1 = "alc2", alc2___2 = "alc2", alc2___3 = "alc2"))
84 alc3 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text In an average MONTH, how many glasses [standard glass (125ml)] of unfortified wine would you drink? (there are 6 glasses in an average bottle; include red, white and rose wine) NaN Please enter a number or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc1] = '4' or [alc1] = '5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc3 = "alc3"))
85 alc7 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text In an average MONTH, how many glasses of fortified wine would you drink? (there are 12 glasses in an average bottle; fortified wines include drinks such as sherry, port, vermouth) NaN Please enter a number or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc1] = '4' or [alc1] = '5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc7 = "alc7"))
86 alc5 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text In an average MONTH, how many pints of beer or cider would you drink? (include bitter, lager, stout, ale, Guinness) NaN Please enter a number or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc1] = '4' or [alc1] = '5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc5 = "alc5"))
87 alc6 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text In an average MONTH, how many measures of spirits or liqueurs would you drink? (there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle; spirits include drinks such as whisky, gin, rum, vodka, brandy) NaN Please enter a number or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc1] = '4' or [alc1] = '5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc6 = "alc6"))
88 alc8 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text In an average MONTH, how many bottles (330ml) of other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops would you drink? NaN Please enter a number or you can answer 'Do not know' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc1] = '4' or [alc1] = '5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc8 = "alc8"))
89 alc9 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Did you drink alcohol last week? 1, Yes | 2, No | 3, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc1] = '1' or [alc1] = '2' or [alc1] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3), label = 1:3, choices = list(alc9___1 = "alc9", alc9___2 = "alc9", alc9___3 = "alc9"))
90 walc10 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire During the last week, which types of alcoholic drink did you have on each DAY? Please complete the table first by ticking all that apply for each day and then answer the questions below for each day and type of alcohol consumed. checkbox Wine including red, white and rose 1, Monday | 2, Tuesday | 3, Wednesday | 4, Thursday | 5, Friday | 6, Saturday | 7, Sunday NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc9] = '1' NaN NaN NaN alc10 NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(walc10___1 = "walc10", walc10___2 = "walc10", walc10___3 = "walc10", walc10___4 = "walc10", walc10___5 = "walc10", walc10___6 = "walc10", walc10___7 = "walc10"))
91 fwalc10 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox Fortified wine such as sherry, port, vermouth 1, Monday | 2, Tuesday | 3, Wednesday | 4, Thursday | 5, Friday | 6, Saturday | 7, Sunday NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc9] = '1' NaN NaN NaN alc10 NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(fwalc10___1 = "fwalc10", fwalc10___2 = "fwalc10", fwalc10___3 = "fwalc10", fwalc10___4 = "fwalc10", fwalc10___5 = "fwalc10", fwalc10___6 = "fwalc10", fwalc10___7 = "fwalc10"))
92 salc10 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox Spirits or liqueurs such as whisky, gin, rum, vodka, brandy 1, Monday | 2, Tuesday | 3, Wednesday | 4, Thursday | 5, Friday | 6, Saturday | 7, Sunday NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc9] = '1' NaN NaN NaN alc10 NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(salc10___1 = "salc10", salc10___2 = "salc10", salc10___3 = "salc10", salc10___4 = "salc10", salc10___5 = "salc10", salc10___6 = "salc10", salc10___7 = "salc10"))
93 balc10 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox Beer or cider such as bitter, lager, stout, ale, Guinness 1, Monday | 2, Tuesday | 3, Wednesday | 4, Thursday | 5, Friday | 6, Saturday | 7, Sunday NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc9] = '1' NaN NaN NaN alc10 NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(balc10___1 = "balc10", balc10___2 = "balc10", balc10___3 = "balc10", balc10___4 = "balc10", balc10___5 = "balc10", balc10___6 = "balc10", balc10___7 = "balc10"))
94 oalc10 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox Other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops 1, Monday | 2, Tuesday | 3, Wednesday | 4, Thursday | 5, Friday | 6, Saturday | 7, Sunday NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc9] = '1' NaN NaN NaN alc10 NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(oalc10___1 = "oalc10", oalc10___2 = "oalc10", oalc10___3 = "oalc10", oalc10___4 = "oalc10", oalc10___5 = "oalc10", oalc10___6 = "oalc10", oalc10___7 = "oalc10"))
95 o2alc10 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox Other alcoholic drinks 1, Monday | 2, Tuesday | 3, Wednesday | 4, Thursday | 5, Friday | 6, Saturday | 7, Sunday NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc9] = '1' NaN NaN NaN alc10 NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(o2alc10___1 = "o2alc10", o2alc10___2 = "o2alc10", o2alc10___3 = "o2alc10", o2alc10___4 = "o2alc10", o2alc10___5 = "o2alc10", o2alc10___6 = "o2alc10", o2alc10___7 = "o2alc10"))
96 alc10wmon exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine did you consume last Monday? \n [number of standard glass (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc10(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10wmon = "alc10wmon"))
97 alc10fwmon exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine did you consume last Monday? \n [number of standard glasses; there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc10(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10fwmon = "alc10fwmon"))
98 alc10smon exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs did you consume last Monday \n [number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc10(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10smon = "alc10smon"))
99 alc10bmon exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider did you consume last Monday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc10(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10bmon = "alc10bmon"))
100 alc10omon exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops did you consume last Monday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc10(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10omon = "alc10omon"))
101 alc10o2mona exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you had on Monday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc10(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2mona = "alc10o2mona"))
102 alc10o2monb exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink did you consume last Monday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc10(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2monb = "alc10o2monb"))
103 alc10wtue exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine did you consume last Tuesday? \n [number of standard glasses (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc10(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10wtue = "alc10wtue"))
104 alc10fwtue exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine did you consume last Tuesday? \n [there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc10(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10fwtue = "alc10fwtue"))
105 alc10stue exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs did you consume last Tuesday? \n [number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc10(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10stue = "alc10stue"))
106 alc10btue exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider did you consume last Tuesday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc10(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10btue = "alc10btue"))
107 alc10otue exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops did you consume last Tuesday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc10(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10otue = "alc10otue"))
108 alc10o2tuea exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you had on Tuesday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc10(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2tuea = "alc10o2tuea"))
109 alc10o2tueb exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink did you consume last Tuesday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc10(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2tueb = "alc10o2tueb"))
110 alc10wwed exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine did you consume last Wednesday? \n [number of standard glasses (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc10(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10wwed = "alc10wwed"))
111 alc10fwwed exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine did you consume last Wednesday? \n [there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc10(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10fwwed = "alc10fwwed"))
112 alc10swed exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs did you consume last Wednesday? \n [number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc10(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10swed = "alc10swed"))
113 alc10bwed exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider did you consume last Wednesday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc10(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10bwed = "alc10bwed"))
114 alc10owed exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops did you consume last Wednesday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc10(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10owed = "alc10owed"))
115 alc10o2weda exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you had on Wednesday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc10(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2weda = "alc10o2weda"))
116 alc10o2wedb exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink did you consume last Wednesday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc10(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2wedb = "alc10o2wedb"))
117 alc10wthu exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine did you consume last Thursday? \n [number of standard glasses (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc10(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10wthu = "alc10wthu"))
118 alc10fwthu exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine did you consume last Thursday/ \n [there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc10(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10fwthu = "alc10fwthu"))
119 alc10sthu exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs did you consume last Thursday? \n [number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc10(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10sthu = "alc10sthu"))
120 alc10bthu exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider did you consume last Thursday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc10(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10bthu = "alc10bthu"))
121 alc10othu exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops did you consume last Thursday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc10(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10othu = "alc10othu"))
122 alc10o2thua exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you had on Thursday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc10(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2thua = "alc10o2thua"))
123 alc10o2thub exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink did you consume last Thursday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc10(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2thub = "alc10o2thub"))
124 alc10wfri exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine did you consume last Friday? \n [number of standard glasses (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc10(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10wfri = "alc10wfri"))
125 alc10fwfri exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine did you consume last Friday? \n [there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc10(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10fwfri = "alc10fwfri"))
126 alc10sfri exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs did you consume last Friday? \n [number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc10(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10sfri = "alc10sfri"))
127 alc10bfri exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider did you consume last Friday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc10(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10bfri = "alc10bfri"))
128 alc10ofri exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops did you consume last Friday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc10(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10ofri = "alc10ofri"))
129 alc10o2fria exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you had on Friday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc10(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2fria = "alc10o2fria"))
130 alc10o2frib exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink did you consume last Friday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc10(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2frib = "alc10o2frib"))
131 alc10wsat exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine did you consume last Saturday? \n [number of standard glasses (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc10(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10wsat = "alc10wsat"))
132 alc10fwsat exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine did you consume last Saturday? \n [there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc10(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10fwsat = "alc10fwsat"))
133 alc10ssat exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs did you consume last Saturday? \n [number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc10(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10ssat = "alc10ssat"))
134 alc10bsat exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider did you consume last Saturday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc10(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10bsat = "alc10bsat"))
135 alc10osat exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops did you consume last Saturday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc10(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10osat = "alc10osat"))
136 alc10o2sata exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you had on Saturday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc10(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2sata = "alc10o2sata"))
137 alc10o2satb exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink did you consume last Saturday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc10(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2satb = "alc10o2satb"))
138 alc10wsun exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine did you consume last Sunday? \n [number of standard glasses (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc10(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10wsun = "alc10wsun"))
139 alc10fwsun exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine did you consume last Sunday? \n [there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc10(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10fwsun = "alc10fwsun"))
140 alc10ssun exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs did you consume last Sunday? \n [number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc10(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10ssun = "alc10ssun"))
141 alc10bsun exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider did you consume last Sunday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc10(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10bsun = "alc10bsun"))
142 alc10osun exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops did you consume last Sunday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc10(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10osun = "alc10osun"))
143 alc10o2suna exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you had on Sunday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc10(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2suna = "alc10o2suna"))
144 alc10o2sunb exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink did you consume last Sunday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc10(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc10o2sunb = "alc10o2sunb"))
145 alc11 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Was this week typical of your normal drinking? 1, Yes | 2, No | 3, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc9] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3), label = 1:3, choices = list(alc11___1 = "alc11", alc11___2 = "alc11", alc11___3 = "alc11"))
146 walc11 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire During a typical week, which types of alcoholic drink do you have on each DAY? Please tick all that apply for each day. checkbox Wine including red, white and rose 1, Monday | 2, Tuesday | 3, Wednesday | 4, Thursday | 5, Friday | 6, Saturday | 7, Sunday NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ([alc11] = '2') or (([alc9] = '2') and ([alc1] = '1' or [alc1] = '2' or [alc1] = '3')) NaN NaN NaN alc11 NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(walc11___1 = "walc11", walc11___2 = "walc11", walc11___3 = "walc11", walc11___4 = "walc11", walc11___5 = "walc11", walc11___6 = "walc11", walc11___7 = "walc11"))
147 fwalc11 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox Fortified wine such as sherry, port, vermouth 1, Monday | 2, Tuesday | 3, Wednesday | 4, Thursday | 5, Friday | 6, Saturday | 7, Sunday NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ([alc11] = '2') or (([alc9] = '2') and ([alc1] = '1' or [alc1] = '2' or [alc1] = '3')) NaN NaN NaN alc11 NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(fwalc11___1 = "fwalc11", fwalc11___2 = "fwalc11", fwalc11___3 = "fwalc11", fwalc11___4 = "fwalc11", fwalc11___5 = "fwalc11", fwalc11___6 = "fwalc11", fwalc11___7 = "fwalc11"))
148 salc11 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox Spirits or liqueurs such as whisky, gin, rum, vodka, brandy 1, Monday | 2, Tuesday | 3, Wednesday | 4, Thursday | 5, Friday | 6, Saturday | 7, Sunday NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ([alc11] = '2') or (([alc9] = '2') and ([alc1] = '1' or [alc1] = '2' or [alc1] = '3')) NaN NaN NaN alc11 NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(salc11___1 = "salc11", salc11___2 = "salc11", salc11___3 = "salc11", salc11___4 = "salc11", salc11___5 = "salc11", salc11___6 = "salc11", salc11___7 = "salc11"))
149 balc11 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox Beer or cider such as bitter, lager, stout, ale, Guinness 1, Monday | 2, Tuesday | 3, Wednesday | 4, Thursday | 5, Friday | 6, Saturday | 7, Sunday NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ([alc11] = '2') or (([alc9] = '2') and ([alc1] = '1' or [alc1] = '2' or [alc1] = '3')) NaN NaN NaN alc11 NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(balc11___1 = "balc11", balc11___2 = "balc11", balc11___3 = "balc11", balc11___4 = "balc11", balc11___5 = "balc11", balc11___6 = "balc11", balc11___7 = "balc11"))
150 oalc11 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox Other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops 1, Monday | 2, Tuesday | 3, Wednesday | 4, Thursday | 5, Friday | 6, Saturday | 7, Sunday NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ([alc11] = '2') or (([alc9] = '2') and ([alc1] = '1' or [alc1] = '2' or [alc1] = '3')) NaN NaN NaN alc11 NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(oalc11___1 = "oalc11", oalc11___2 = "oalc11", oalc11___3 = "oalc11", oalc11___4 = "oalc11", oalc11___5 = "oalc11", oalc11___6 = "oalc11", oalc11___7 = "oalc11"))
151 o2alc11 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN checkbox Other alcoholic drinks 1, Monday | 2, Tuesday | 3, Wednesday | 4, Thursday | 5, Friday | 6, Saturday | 7, Sunday NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN ([alc11] = '2') or (([alc9] = '2') and ([alc1] = '1' or [alc1] = '2' or [alc1] = '3')) NaN NaN NaN alc11 NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(o2alc11___1 = "o2alc11", o2alc11___2 = "o2alc11", o2alc11___3 = "o2alc11", o2alc11___4 = "o2alc11", o2alc11___5 = "o2alc11", o2alc11___6 = "o2alc11", o2alc11___7 = "o2alc11"))
152 alc11wmon exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine do you consume on a Monday? \n [number of standard glasses (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc11(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11wmon = "alc11wmon"))
153 alc11fwmon exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine do you consume on a Monday? \n [there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc11(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11fwmon = "alc11fwmon"))
154 alc11smon exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs do you consume on a Monday? \n [number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc11(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11smon = "alc11smon"))
155 alc11bmon exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider do you consume on a Monday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc11(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11bmon = "alc11bmon"))
156 alc11omon exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops do you consume on a Monday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc11(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11omon = "alc11omon"))
157 alc11o2mona exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you have on a Monday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc11(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2mona = "alc11o2mona"))
158 alc11o2monb exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink do you consume on a Monday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc11(1)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2monb = "alc11o2monb"))
159 alc11wtue exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine do you consume on a Tuesday? \n [number of standard glasses (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc11(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11wtue = "alc11wtue"))
160 alc11fwtue exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine do you consume on a Tuesday? \n [there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc11(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11fwtue = "alc11fwtue"))
161 alc11stue exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs do you consume on a Tuesday? \n [number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc11(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11stue = "alc11stue"))
162 alc11btue exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider do you consume on a Tuesday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc11(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11btue = "alc11btue"))
163 alc11otue exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops do you consume on a Tuesday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc11(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11otue = "alc11otue"))
164 alc11o2tuea exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you have on a Tuesday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc11(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2tuea = "alc11o2tuea"))
165 alc11o2tueb exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink do you consume on a Tuesday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc11(2)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2tueb = "alc11o2tueb"))
166 alc11wwed exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine do you consume on a Wednesday? \n [number of standard glasses (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc11(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11wwed = "alc11wwed"))
167 alc11fwwed exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine do you consume on a Wednesday? \n [there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc11(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11fwwed = "alc11fwwed"))
168 alc11swed exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs do you consume on a Wednesday? \n [number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc11(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11swed = "alc11swed"))
169 alc11bwed exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider do you consume on a Wednesday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc11(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11bwed = "alc11bwed"))
170 alc11owed exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops do you consume on a Wednesday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc11(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11owed = "alc11owed"))
171 alc11o2weda exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you have on a Wednesday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc11(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2weda = "alc11o2weda"))
172 alc11o2wedb exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink do you consume on a Wednesday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc11(3)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2wedb = "alc11o2wedb"))
173 alc11wthu exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine do you consume on a Thursday? \n [number of standard glasses (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc11(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11wthu = "alc11wthu"))
174 alc11fwthu exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine do you consume on a Thursday? \n [there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc11(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11fwthu = "alc11fwthu"))
175 alc11sthu exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs do you consume on a Thursday? \n [number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc11(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11sthu = "alc11sthu"))
176 alc11bthu exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider do you consume on a Thursday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc11(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11bthu = "alc11bthu"))
177 alc11othu exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops do you consume on a Thursday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc11(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11othu = "alc11othu"))
178 alc11o2thua exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you have on a Thursday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc11(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2thua = "alc11o2thua"))
179 alc11o2thub exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink do you consume on a Thursday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc11(4)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2thub = "alc11o2thub"))
180 alc11wfri exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine do you consume on a Friday? \n [number of standard glasses (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc11(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11wfri = "alc11wfri"))
181 alc11fwfri exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine do you consume on a Friday? \n [there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc11(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11fwfri = "alc11fwfri"))
182 alc11sfri exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs do you consume on a Friday \n [Number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc11(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11sfri = "alc11sfri"))
183 alc11bfri exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider do you consume on a Friday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc11(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11bfri = "alc11bfri"))
184 alc11ofri exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops do you consume on a Friday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc11(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11ofri = "alc11ofri"))
185 alc11o2fria exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you have on a Friday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc11(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2fria = "alc11o2fria"))
186 alc11o2frib exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink do you consume on a Friday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc11(5)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2frib = "alc11o2frib"))
187 alc11wsat exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine do you consume on a Saturday? \n [number of standard glasses (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc11(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11wsat = "alc11wsat"))
188 alc11fwsat exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine do you consume on a Saturday? \n [there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc11(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11fwsat = "alc11fwsat"))
189 alc11ssat exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs do you consume on a Saturday? \n [number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc11(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11ssat = "alc11ssat"))
190 alc11bsat exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider do you consume on a Saturday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc11(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11bsat = "alc11bsat"))
191 alc11osat exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops do you consume on a Saturday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc11(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11osat = "alc11osat"))
192 alc11o2sata exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you have on a Saturday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc11(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2sata = "alc11o2sata"))
193 alc11o2satb exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink do you consume on a Saturday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc11(6)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2satb = "alc11o2satb"))
194 alc11wsun exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many standard glasses of wine do you consume on a Sunday? \n [number of standard glasses (125ml); there are 6 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [walc11(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11wsun = "alc11wsun"))
195 alc11fwsun exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many glasses of fortified wine do you consume on a Sunday? \n [there are 12 glasses in an average bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [fwalc11(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11fwsun = "alc11fwsun"))
196 alc11ssun exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many measures of spirits or liqueurs do you consume on a Sunday? \n [number of standard measures; there are 25 standard measures in a normal sized bottle] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [salc11(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11ssun = "alc11ssun"))
197 alc11bsun exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many pints of beer or cider do you consume on a Sunday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [balc11(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11bsun = "alc11bsun"))
198 alc11osun exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many other alcoholic drinks such as alcopops do you consume on a Sunday?\n [number of bottles (330ml)] NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [oalc11(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11osun = "alc11osun"))
199 alc11o2suna exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please describe any other alcoholic drinks you have on a Sunday. NaN Please enter a brief description/name. NaN NaN NaN NaN [o2alc11(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2suna = "alc11o2suna"))
200 alc11o2sunb exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text How many units of this other alcoholic drink do you consume on a Sunday? NaN Please enter a number. number 0.5 200 NaN [o2alc11(7)] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(alc11o2sunb = "alc11o2sunb"))
201 alc13 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio When you drink alcohol is it usually with meals? 1, Yes | 2, No | 3, It varies | 4, Do not know | 5, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc1] = '1' or [alc1] = '2' or [alc1] = '3' or [alc1] = '4' or [alc1] = '5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), label = 1:5, choices = list(alc13___1 = "alc13", alc13___2 = "alc13", alc13___3 = "alc13", alc13___4 = "alc13", alc13___5 = "alc13"))
202 alc14 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Usually, when you drink alcohol are you with? 1, Mainly with friends/family | 2, Usually with friends/family | 3, Usually alone | 4, Mainly alone | 5, Either with friends/family or alone | 6, Do not know | 7, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc1] = '1' or [alc1] = '2' or [alc1] = '3' or [alc1] = '4' or [alc1] = '5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(alc14___1 = "alc14", alc14___2 = "alc14", alc14___3 = "alc14", alc14___4 = "alc14", alc14___5 = "alc14", alc14___6 = "alc14", alc14___7 = "alc14"))
203 alc15 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Compared to 10 years ago, do you drink? 1, More nowadays | 2, About the same | 3, Less nowadays | 4, Do not know | 5, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc1] = '1' or [alc1] = '2' or [alc1] = '3' or [alc1] = '4' or [alc1] = '5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), label = 1:5, choices = list(alc15___1 = "alc15", alc15___2 = "alc15", alc15___3 = "alc15", alc15___4 = "alc15", alc15___5 = "alc15"))
204 alc16 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Why did you reduce the amount you drank?\n (please select the one that mostly applies to you) 1, Illness or ill health | 2, Doctor's advice | 3, Health precaution | 4, Financial reasons | 5, Other reason | 6, Do not know | 7, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc15] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(alc16___1 = "alc16", alc16___2 = "alc16", alc16___3 = "alc16", alc16___4 = "alc16", alc16___5 = "alc16", alc16___6 = "alc16", alc16___7 = "alc16"))
205 ac17 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Why did you stop drinking alcohol?\n (please select the one that mostly applies to you) 1, Illness or ill health | 2, Doctor's advice | 3, Health precaution | 4, Financial reasons | 5, Other reason | 6, Do not know | 7, Prefer not to answer NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [alc2] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7), label = 1:7, choices = list(ac17___1 = "ac17", ac17___2 = "ac17", ac17___3 = "ac17", ac17___4 = "ac17", ac17___5 = "ac17", ac17___6 = "ac17", ac17___7 = "ac17"))
206 mea1 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire Measurements radio Please enter your current weight (please select preferred units). [Measure your weight in the morning in light clothing and without wearing shoes. Place the scales on firm flooring (such as tiles or wood) rather than carpet.]\n 1, Enter weight in kilograms | 2, Enter weight in stones & pounds | 3, Do not know | 4, Prefer not to answer | 5, Previously recorded by researcher NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), label = 1:5, choices = list(mea1___1 = "mea1", mea1___2 = "mea1", mea1___3 = "mea1", mea1___4 = "mea1", mea1___5 = "mea1"))
207 mea1a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please enter your current weight in kilograms. NaN Weight in kilograms (eg 74.3) number 20 200 NaN [mea1] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(mea1a = "mea1a"))
208 mea1b exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Stones NaN NaN integer 5 30 NaN [mea1] = '2' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(mea1b = "mea1b"))
209 mea1c exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Pounds NaN NaN integer 0 14 NaN [mea1] = '2' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(mea1c = "mea1c"))
210 mea2 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Please enter your current waist circumference (please select preferred units). [Place the tape provided directly on the skin or on no more than one layer of light clothing. The correct place to measure your waist is horizontally halfway between your lowest rib and the top of your hipbone. This is roughly in line with your belly button. Breathe out normally and take the measure. Make sure the tape is snug, without squeezing the skin.]\n 1, Enter in centimetres | 2, Enter in inches | 3, Do not know | 4, Prefer not to answer | 5, Previously recorded by researcher NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), label = 1:5, choices = list(mea2___1 = "mea2", mea2___2 = "mea2", mea2___3 = "mea2", mea2___4 = "mea2", mea2___5 = "mea2"))
211 mea2a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please enter your current waist circumference to the nearest centimetre. NaN Waist circumference in centimetres (eg 100.5) number 40 200 NaN [mea2] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(mea2a = "mea2a"))
212 mea2b exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please enter your current waist circumference to the nearest inch. NaN Waist circumference in inches (eg 45.5) number 15 80 NaN [mea2] = '2' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(mea2b = "mea2b"))
213 mea3 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN radio Please enter your current height (please select preferred units). [If you do not know your height, measure it without shoes and with hair down. Place the tape at a wall on a flat floor. Stand with your back as straight as possible and feet against the wall in front of the tape. Ask someone to read the measurement, or mark the wall above your head and then measure it.]\n 1, Enter in centimetres | 2, Enter in feet & inches | 3, Do not know | 4, Prefer not to answer | 5, Previously recorded by researcher NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '1' OR [id_chk] = '3' OR [id_chk] = '5' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), label = 1:5, choices = list(mea3___1 = "mea3", mea3___2 = "mea3", mea3___3 = "mea3", mea3___4 = "mea3", mea3___5 = "mea3"))
214 mea3a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please enter your current height to the nearest centimetre. NaN Height in centimetres (eg 171.5) number 100 220 NaN [mea3] = '1' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(mea3a = "mea3a"))
215 mea3b exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Feet NaN NaN integer 3 9 NaN [mea3] = '2' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(mea3b = "mea3b"))
216 mea3c exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Inches NaN NaN integer 0 12 NaN [mea3] = '2' NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(mea3c = "mea3c"))
217 gpa exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire About the medical practice you are registered with radio Are you registered with a GP practice in Leicester city or the county? 1, City | 2, County West | 3, County East / Rutland | 4, Registered with a GP outside Leicestershire NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4), label = 1:4, choices = list(gpa___1 = "gpa", gpa___2 = "gpa", gpa___3 = "gpa", gpa___4 = "gpa"))
218 gp1 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN dropdown Please select the name of the medical practice you are registered with as a patient (the practices have been ordered by post code area). 1, Leicester City Assist Practice LE1 2BG | 2, Dr AIA Lennox & Partner St Matthews Health & Community Centre LE1 2NZ | 3, The Practice - Bowling Green Street Surgery LE1 6AS | 4, Dr JKV Patel & Partners Highfields Medical Centre LE2 0GU | 5, Inclusion Healthcare The Dawn Centre LE2 0JN | 6, Dr F Docrat Shefa Medical Practice LE2 0TA | 7, Dr S Mansingh & Partner St. Peter's Health Centre or 282 Queens Road LE2 0TA | 8, Dr KA Choudhry LE2 1DJ | 9, Dr HDD Nandha & Partners Evington Medical Centre LE2 1QA | 10, Dr KP Newley The Maples Surgery LE2 1QH | 11, Dr A Prasad & Partner Clarendon Park Surgery LE2 3AG | 12, Dr J Lenten The Queens Road Medical Centre LE2 3FT | 13, Dr P Khunti & Partners Freemen's Common Health Centre LE2 6BF | 14, Asquith Surgery (The Practice Plc) LE2 6FQ | 15, Saffron Surgery LE2 6TD | 16, Saffron Group Practice LE2 6UL | 17, Dr JM Wake & Partners Student Health Centre LE2 7HX | 18, Dr HS Minhas & Partners Walnut Street Surgery LE2 7LE | 19, Dr HS Minhas & Partners Aylestone Health Centre LE2 8SF | 20, Dr R Sahdev 705 Aylestone Road LE2 8TG | 21, Dr T K Khong & Partners Pasley Road Health Centre LE2 9BU | 22, Dr G Singh The Health Centre LE2 9BU | 23, Dr SA Bailey & Partners The Hedges Medical Centre LE2 9BU | 24, Dr R Kapur & Partners Melbourne Road Health Centre LE2 OGT | 25, Dr ZS Osama & Partners The Melbourne Centre LE2 OGU | 26, Dr SR Choudhary Highfields Surgery LE2 ONN | 27, Dr S Shafi 5 Briton Street LE3 0AA | 28, Westcotes Health Centre (Caretaking Practice) Westcotes Health Centre LE3 0LP | 29, Dr RL Hazeldine & Partner Westcotes Health Centre LE3 0LP | 30, Dr UK Roy LE3 0QD | 31, Dr S Shafi (Westcotes 1) LE3 0QR | 32, Dr S Shafi (Westcotes 2) LE3 0QR | 33, Dr RP Tew & Partners Merridale Medical Centre LE3 1BL | 34, Dr A Nana & Partners Hockley Farm Medical Practice LE3 1HN | 35, Dr GK Sharma & Partners Fosse Medical Centre LE3 5RR | 36, Dr RA Leach & Partners Oakmeadow Surgery LE3 8NF | 37, Dr ID Patchett & Partners Groby Road Medical Centre LE3 9ED | 38, Dr B Hainsworth The Parks Medical Centre LE3 9PW | 39, Petworth Drive Surgery LE3 9RF | 40, Dr HV Trivedi & Partners 122 Parker Drive or Manor Medical Centre LE4 0JF | 41, Dr GC Ackerley & Partners LE4 0QR | 42, The Practice - Beaumont Leys Beaumont Leys Health Centre LE4 0UZ | 43, Dr RP Archer & Partner Heatherbrook Surgery LE4 1EF | 44, Dr SV Bapodra Belgrave Surgery LE4 5LJ | 45, Brandon Street Surgery (Caretaking Practice) Belgrave Health Centre LE4 6AW | 46, Dr DJ Gandecha & Partner Belgrave Health Centre LE4 6AW | 47, Dr R P Pandya & Partners East Park Medical Centre or 41 Doncaster Road LE4 6LJ | 48, Dr KS Morjaria & Partner LE4 6NF | 49, Dr B Modi 122 Canon Street LE4 6NL | 50, Dr JM Fry Rushey Mead Health Centre LE4 7ZX | 51, Rushey Mead Practice (The Practice Plc) Rushey Mead Health Centre LE4 7ZX | 52, Dr IP Jones & Partners Humberstone Medical Centre LE5 0PR | 53, Johnson Medical Practice Hilltop Surgery LE5 1BJ | 54, Dr J G Astles & Partners Willowbrook Medical Centre LE5 2NL | 55, The Charnwood Practice The Merlyn Vaz Health & Social Care Centre LE5 3GH | 56, SSAFA Care Health Centre The Merlyn Vaz Health & Social Care Centre LE5 3GH | 57, Dr P Pancholi & Partners Spinney Hill Medical Centre LE5 3HX | 58, Dr S Longworth & Partners East Leicester Medical Practice LE5 4BP | 59, Dr Roshan & Partners The Willows Medical Centre LE5 4LJ | 60, Sayeed Medical Centre (The Practice Plc) LE5 5AY | 61, Dr AK Vania Ar Razi Medical Centre LE5 5PQ | 62, Dr J A Wood St Elizabeth's Medical Centre or 10 The Common LE5 6EA | 63, Dr AJJ Bentley & Partners Downing Drive Surgery LE5 6LP | 64, Other NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [gpa] = '1' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64), label = 1:64, choices = list(gp1___1 = "gp1", gp1___10 = "gp1", gp1___11 = "gp1", gp1___12 = "gp1", gp1___13 = "gp1", gp1___14 = "gp1", gp1___15 = "gp1", gp1___16 = "gp1", gp1___17 = "gp1", gp1___18 = "gp1", gp1___19 = "gp1", gp1___2 = "gp1", \n gp1___20 = "gp1", gp1___21 = "gp1", gp1___22 = "gp1", gp1___23 = "gp1", gp1___24 = "gp1", gp1___25 = "gp1", gp1___26 = "gp1", gp1___27 = "gp1", gp1___28 = "gp1", gp1___29 = "gp1", gp1___3 = "gp1", gp1___30 = "gp1", gp1___31 = "gp1", gp1___32 = "gp1", gp1___33 = "gp1", gp1___34 = "gp1", gp1___35 = "gp1", gp1___36 = "gp1", gp1___37 = "gp1", gp1___38 = "gp1", gp1___39 = "gp1", gp1___4 = "gp1", gp1___40 = "gp1", gp1___41 = "gp1", gp1___42 = "gp1", gp1___43 = "gp1", gp1___44 = "gp1", gp1___45 = "gp1", \n gp1___46 = "gp1", gp1___47 = "gp1", gp1___48 = "gp1", gp1___49 = "gp1", gp1___5 = "gp1", gp1___50 = "gp1", gp1___51 = "gp1", gp1___52 = "gp1", gp1___53 = "gp1", gp1___54 = "gp1", gp1___55 = "gp1", gp1___56 = "gp1", gp1___57 = "gp1", gp1___58 = "gp1", gp1___59 = "gp1", gp1___6 = "gp1", gp1___60 = "gp1", gp1___61 = "gp1", gp1___62 = "gp1", gp1___63 = "gp1", gp1___64 = "gp1", gp1___7 = "gp1", gp1___8 = "gp1", gp1___9 = "gp1"))
219 gp1a exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN dropdown Please select the name of the medical practice you are registered with as a patient (the practices have been ordered by post code area). 1, Measham Medical Unit DE12 7HR | 2, Castle Donington Surgery DE74 2LB | 3, Birstall Medical Centre LE4 4EE | 4, Greengate Medical Centre LE4 3JF | 5, The Leicester Medical Group, Thurmaston Health Centre LE4 8EA | 6, Silverdale Medical C LE4 8NN | 7, Groby Surgery LE6 0GL | 8, Ratby Surgery LE6 0JP | 9, The Surgery Ashby de la Zouche LE65 1HS | 10, Ashby Health Centre LE65 1HU | 11, Hugglescote Surgery LE67 2BS | 12, Coalville Health Centre LE67 3DX | 13, The Surgery Whitwick Road Coalville LE67 3FA | 14, The Family Practice LE67 4DE | 15, Broom Leys Surgery LE67 4DE | 16, Long Lane Surgery LE67 4DR | 17, Whitwick Health Centre Dr E Hepplewhite LE67 5HX | 18, Whitwick Health Centre Dr A Lewis LE67 5HX | 19, Ibstock House Surgery LE67 6JP | 20, Markfield Medical Centre LE67 9WU | 21, Mahavir Medical Centre LE7 3QQ | 22, Anstey Surgery LE7 7AZ | 23, The Orchard Medical Practice LE9 6RG | 24, Heath Lane Surgery LE9 7PB | 25, Barwell & Hollycroft Medical Centre LE9 8HR | 26, Desford Medical Centre LE9 9GR | 27, Newbold Verdon Medical Practice LE9 9PZ | 28, The Old School Surgery LE9 4LJ | 29, Maples Family Medical Practice LE10 1DS | 30, The Centre Surgery LE10 1DS | 31, Castle Mead Medical Centre LE10 1DS | 32, Station View Health Centre LE10 1UA | 33, The Burbage Surgery LE10 2SE | 34, Pinfold Gate Medical Practice LE11 1DQ | 35, Woodbrook Medical Centre LE11 1NH | 36, Bridge Street Medical Practice LE11 1NQ | 37, Park View Surgery LE11 2AG | 38, Medical Centre LE11 3TU | 39, Dishley Grange Medical Practice LE11 4RZ | 40, The Surgery, Charnwood Medical Group LE11 5DX | 41, Charnwood Surgery LE12 7DJ | 42, Alpine House Surgery LE12 7JU | 43, Banks Surgery LE12 7RD | 44, Highgate Medical Centre LE12 7UD | 45, Quorn Medical Centre LE12 8BP | 46, Barrow Health Centre LE12 8PY | 47, Cottage Surgery LE12 8RY | 48, Field Street Surgery LE12 9AL | 49, Forest House Surgery LE12 9DF | 50, Manor House Surgery LE12 9UJ | 51, Other NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [gpa] = '2' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51), label = 1:51, choices = list(gp1a___1 = "gp1a", gp1a___10 = "gp1a", gp1a___11 = "gp1a", gp1a___12 = "gp1a", gp1a___13 = "gp1a", gp1a___14 = "gp1a", gp1a___15 = "gp1a", gp1a___16 = "gp1a", gp1a___17 = "gp1a", gp1a___18 = "gp1a", gp1a___19 = "gp1a", gp1a___2 = "gp1a", gp1a___20 = "gp1a", gp1a___21 = "gp1a", \n gp1a___22 = "gp1a", gp1a___23 = "gp1a", gp1a___24 = "gp1a", gp1a___25 = "gp1a", gp1a___26 = "gp1a", gp1a___27 = "gp1a", gp1a___28 = "gp1a", gp1a___29 = "gp1a", gp1a___3 = "gp1a", gp1a___30 = "gp1a", gp1a___31 = "gp1a", gp1a___32 = "gp1a", gp1a___33 = "gp1a", gp1a___34 = "gp1a", gp1a___35 = "gp1a", gp1a___36 = "gp1a", gp1a___37 = "gp1a", gp1a___38 = "gp1a", gp1a___39 = "gp1a", gp1a___4 = "gp1a", gp1a___40 = "gp1a", gp1a___41 = "gp1a", gp1a___42 = "gp1a", gp1a___43 = "gp1a", gp1a___44 = "gp1a", \n gp1a___45 = "gp1a", gp1a___46 = "gp1a", gp1a___47 = "gp1a", gp1a___48 = "gp1a", gp1a___49 = "gp1a", gp1a___5 = "gp1a", gp1a___50 = "gp1a", gp1a___51 = "gp1a", gp1a___6 = "gp1a", gp1a___7 = "gp1a", gp1a___8 = "gp1a", gp1a___9 = "gp1a"))
220 gp1b exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN dropdown Please select the name of the medical practice you are registered with as a patient (the practices have been ordered by post code area). 1, The Central Surgery Oadby LE2 5AA | 2, Wigston Central Surgery LE2 3BB | 3, The Rosemead Drive Surgery LE2 4LE | 4, The Croft Medical Centre LE2 4PE | 5, Severn Surgery LE2 4NW | 6, Oadby and NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN [gpa] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), label = 1:6, choices = list(gp1b___1 = "gp1b", gp1b___2 = "gp1b", gp1b___3 = "gp1b", gp1b___4 = "gp1b", gp1b___5 = "gp1b", gp1b___6 = "gp1b"))
221 gp2 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text Please enter the name of the medical practice you are registered with. NaN eg 'Dr X and partners' or 'XY Medical Practice' NaN NaN NaN NaN [gp1] = '64' or [gp1a] = '51' or [gp1b] = '35' or [gpa]='4' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(gp2 = "gp2"))
222 gp3 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text What is the name of the doctor you usually like to see at this practice? NaN You can enter 'Do not known' or 'Prefer not to answer' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '3' y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(gp3 = "gp3"))
223 gp4 exceed_selfcompletion_questionnaire NaN text What is the name of the road the medical practice you told us about above is on? NaN You can answer 'Do not know' if you like. NaN NaN NaN NaN [id_chk] = '3' and ([gpa] = '4' or [gp1] = '64' or [gp1a] = '51' or [gp1b] = '35') y NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN list(choices = list(gp4 = "gp4"))

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